You’re browning that ground beef the recipe calls for. The phone rings, or your doorbell rings. You stop focusing on the stove as your attention turns somewhere else.  The next thing you know, something is burning. It’s just a small flare-up of grease. Flames are dancing about one and a half foot high. You grab a fire extinguisher or douse the fire with baking soda and the fire is out. But what a greasy, smoky mess your stove and cabinets are. Then you notice so is the kitchen ceiling, and the dining room ceiling too. What a mess from such a small fire!

Call Cleveland Water & Fire Restoration at 440-530-4881.

Odors and stains NEVER leave without proper professional cleanup. Using the wrong product or the wrong technique on a specific type of fire damage can cause something that could have been remedied to become permanently damaged.

Soot residue from a grease fire is notoriously hard to clean. It creates a thick foul odor that can affect your entire home. It will also travel into places that are not easy to reach, like behind wall cabinets and under appliances. If you don’t clean everywhere the smoke reached, you will never get rid of the odor.

Removing Residue

Removing oily, greasy smoke residue requires the use of a degreasing agent. But before starting that, you need to remove as much of the soot as possible by using lambs wool dusters and HEPA vacuums. Did we mention the cleanup is complicated? Delaying the cleanup of greasy soot from metal surfaces can cause irreparable etching on the metal of your stove and other appliances.

When it comes to smoke damaged kitchen items, do you know what is worth cleaning as opposed to what should be replaced? The certified fire restoration specialists at Cleveland Water & Fire Restoration do. With our expertise we know the difference between what can be salvaged and what needs to be replaced.

Soot Is Toxic

Soot is toxic. Food exposed to smoke should be discarded. Because of the temperature difference smoke will even make its way into a closed refrigerator and freezer. All air filters on your HVAC system need to be changed. Your air ducts may require cleaning. All cabinets should be cleaned inside and out. Soot will be found wherever smoke was present, our experts know where to look.

Don’t attempt to do it all yourself. Doing it right the first time comes down to knowing what needs cleaning, what must be replaced, and what cleaning methods work best in each unique situation. You may not have all the answers, but Cleveland Water & Fire Restoration does! Don’t delay, it may have been a small fire, but you are facing a major cleanup battle. Leave it to the pros. Call 440-530-4881. Let our team handle the cleanup. We’ll make sure your job gets done right the first time.
